Thursday, January 26, 2012

Learning to Preserve

     Canning in January... the way to be.  And the launch of the Bartlett Funny Farm- Garden Blog!!  Hooray! (thanks for last kick in the butt, Ashley;-))
    We had great friends that came the other day along with their mother,  a certified master canner- and now a new friend, who so graciously showed us the first tool in self sufficient food preserving- the hot water bath.  We had cooked down four gallon bags of frozen garden tomatoes and after eggs in sauce (a classic recipe homage to my father) and pizza for lunch, canned three whopping quarts of delicious sauce.  Additionally to it being the first time I have ever really canned anything, aside from helping Grandmother Naomi with pickles years ago bc (before children),  we managed a first on making homemade jam and hot water bathing that as well!  Strawberry Jam, from frozen Maine berries- what a treat!
     The process is pretty straight forward. It really wasn't that bad at all.  We have a project of Cinnamon Pears to tackle on our own this week, to reinforce our new learned skill and are looking forward to it.  It was such a great help for me to learn by doing and not just thru reading about it.  Ironically,  I was called out on my inability to be an exact recipe follower,  it was bound to happen one of these days ;-).  I will practice being more precise, for I did see the error of my ways.
     So we are set to go, we have the canning pot, a new found respect for recipes, a ton of gratitude to our master canning friend and our canning tool kit is on the way.  As soon as the pears ripen a bit, Cinnamon Pears here we come.  Do not hesitate to attempt this at home!  We CAN all do it ( he he ), we should all do it!  Aside for maybe a new tiny paranoia of botulism, but now knowing some facts, we are ready to take the next step in growing and storing our own food.  (here's a link with some basic info on Botulism) Here's to happy and healthy canning!

Ang's Famous Eggs in Sauce:
      Whenever my Mom was gone around supper time, Dad made dinner! And if it wasn't fried dough with sugar,  it was Eggs in Sauce:
      - a poached egg or fried egg- a little dippin' (or most people say over-easy)
      - tomato sauce
  Take your poached/fried egg and slather in tomato sauce- yummy!!
It is magical, especially with good sauce, and it is that easy!!

Cinnamon Pears in Apple Juice
      - 1-1.5 pounds pears per pint
      - stick cinnamon
      - unsweetened apple juice
Wash pears; drain. Cut into halves, core and peel. Treat to prevent darkening. Drain; rinse and drain again. Cook pears in water one layer at a time until hot througout. Heat apple juice just to boil. Pack hot pears, cavity side down, into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Place 1 cinnamon stick into each jar. Ladle hot juice over pears, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove bubbles. Adjust two-piece caps. Process pints 20 minutes in a boiling water canner.